
Help a Girl Out?

You may recall that I have a history of pleading and begging for help when I enter contests with ridiculously big prizes, and ridiculously-low odds of winning. I don't know what it is that compels me to do such things, except that I really love a challenge, and I am an eternal optimist. Well, that - and the fact that I've been incredibly blessed with supportive, encouraging, willing participants in my big-dream schemes. (This is where you come in.)

Reader's Digest magazine has piqued my interest with a contest entitled "Your Life: The Reader's Digest Version." Compelling, no? Anyway - as you (my faithful readers) can attest, I'm nothing if not capable of writing on, and on, and on about my life. The gauntlet that RD has thrown down, though, strikes fear into my very soul: in this contest, you're only allowed 150 words. 150 words? Seriously!? That's like asking a knight of olde to go into battle armed with a butter knife and a pizza box shield.  I use more than that 150 words to order at a drive up window - and that's just when I want a snack. Hmmm...

After 1,549 edits, I have finally compiled an entry that I *hope* will be provocative, powerful, and popular. Better yet, it meets all the criteria, and I even finished with three words to spare. :) Wanna help make my dream come true, and my bank account $25,000 bigger? (Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease....)  Here's what you can do:

1.) Go to facebook.com/readersdigest. Click 'like' on the page, and proceed to the contest tab.
2.) From there, find my story! It's called 'Sunshine'. Or, you can search by author's name (Andrea Farrier). VOTE FOR ME!!!!
3.) Repeat daily between now and November 15th.
4.) Share this information with everyone you've ever met, and ask them to do the same.
5.) Savor the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing how much I appreciate your help. :)

Only the top 100 vote earners will be considered for the grand prize. So, I've got to make sure my entry gets to (and stays in) the top 100.

Judging is based 35% on originality, 35% on adherence to the contest theme, and 30% on persuasiveness. The theme of the contest is to share a lesson, simple advice, funny moment or other story from your life.

The grand prize winner will receive $25,000 and be published in Reader's Digest. The top ten runners up (and the readers' choice winner with the most votes) will receive $2,500 and may be published in Reader's Digest.

Do you think we can do this thing? I think we can! I have faith in you and am grateful for every little vote. Ready? Set? Click!

Thanks everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea,
    I would love to "like" your story but the filters here won't let me access the site. Could you email it to me so I can read it at least? Good luck!!!
