
Shameless Self Promotion

I've used this blog to whine, to celebrate, to complain, and to expound, among much else. It's been an outlet for so many different things, that I thought I'd go out on a limb and use it for shameless self promotion.

See - there's this contest. A supplement and herb company (and you know I'm all about natural health!) called Nature Made has decided to hire (yes - HIRE - for PAY) a blogger under a six-month contract. Said blogger would be writing about (wait for it....) good mood things, like joy in everyday life. (Hmmm... don't I have a whole category called that? Isn't that what most of my blogs are about? Doesn't this sound like the absolute perfect fit for me?) So, here's a contest that's right up my alley, that I'd be really good at (if I do say so myself) and that would give me the chance to help others look on the bright side and see the humor in this roller coaster ride called life.

Oh, and did I mention the financial incentive? The winner, in addition to fame, fortune, and the opportunity to spread joy, would also receive $30,000 for their six-months of blogging (that's right - $5,000 a month) and a brand new laptop. I think this is my dream job.

However, there's a catch. (Isn't there always!?) In order to win, I have to receive among the top 20 votes of all the contestants. Basically, in order to go on to round 2, you have to pass the popularity contest that is round 1.

Wanna help? (Oh please, oh please, oh please!!!!!?) Here's how:

1. Go to http://www.sam-e.com/job/entries/595 and vote EACH AND EVERY DAY between now and November 10th. If you have 2 computers, vote from each one. If you work at a place that has a whole bunch of computers, vote from each one every day! If you neighbors leave their doors unlocked during the day, go in and vote on their computer. (Ok - not really, but you get the idea...)

2. Tell you friends. Tell your family. Spread it to everyone you know in your email account. Put up fliers. Hire a skywriter. Whatever it takes - it's not that I'm exactly desperate, per se, but I'm begging for your help!

Think of it this way - not only would you, my faithful readers, get the chance to read my inspiring brain droppings five days a week, guaranteed, for six months straight, but I'd also be able to afford some more stylish clothing and be more likely to be generous at birthdays and Christmas with an extra $30,000 at my disposal. Thanks in advance for your vote today (and tomorrow, and the next 14 days after that.) I'll keep you posted!

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