

When was the last time you did something truly silly? I don't mean a little risque, like wearing navy socks with black slacks or trying takeout from somewhere other than your usual place. I mean stopping traffic, strangers craning their necks to get a better view, what-in-the-world-were-you-thinking silly. Bet it's been more than a day or two. In fact, if you're like most people, you probably do everything you can to not get into those types of situations. There is safety in conformity, and it feels nice to be like everyone else. But, there's also something to be said for standing out in a crowd - for being willing to take a chance, do something bold, and be different.

For me, it's usually not a choice. I tend to have what we have started calling "Annie Moments" at least once every few months. I can't seem to help it - all too often I find myself in some sitcom-esque situation, not entirely sure how I got there, and even more hazy about how to extricate myself gracefully before things get even worse. I have, for example, inadvertently used the 'members only' steps at my state capitol building and ended up (two small children in tow) at the back entrance to the senate chamber. Yep - peering in hesitantly right behind the President's desk. Of course, there was also the time at my local hardware store where I reached up to gently feel the nap of some lovely berber carpet, only to find myself seconds later being surrounded by yard after yard of the stuff as I helplessly watched the entire roll unwind at my feet. 

Though these situations tend to leave my husband shaking his head in bemusement, I have learned to take them in stride. Turns out, you cannot die of embarrassment. In fact, beyond the initial sting, it doesn't even hurt at all. And, in the process, you get to see some wonderful sights, meet some very lovely people, and build a repertoire of stories that are always crowd pleasers at parties and events.

Don't get me wrong - I don't mean to suggest that you should throw off all social norms and rules for decency in order to stir up trouble. However, next time that delicious little thought of, "I wonder what would happen if..." sneaks into your consciousness, you might just consider following it through to its natural conclusion. At worst, you'll find yourself a little out of sorts and a few minutes behind schedule. Then again, you might just end up with an adventure under your belt and find out that embarrassment really isn't a terminal condition, but merely an occasional symptom of a life well lived.

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