

Wow! Look at me - I now have followers! I am a blogger. (A bloggist? A bloggette?) Amazing how one can feel so self important with so little actual skill through the use of modern technology. Now I know why those quizzes on Facebook are such gibberish (in both content and syntax). It's because the internet and some snazzy, free software allows us all to feel like giants in our own minds, and puts or dribblings into a tidy-looking package that we can share with others. I used to think this only happened in Hollywood. (Hint to Los Angeles residents: just because you think you can sing / act / dance / look pretty doesn't necessarily mean that you can or should also write books, start a foundation, pretend to be an official representative for the United States, give life-changing advice, or otherwise misinterpret and misuse the popularity and following you only marginally deserve.)

Guess I'd better slow it down, there, huh? Someday (soon, very soon, I hope) when I am rich and famous beyond my wildest dreams I will be humbled by some other lowly bloggina (or bloggino, as the case may be) pointing out my flaws and insisting that I should have stuck with cooking, cleaning, and diapering  and not branched out into new and unfamiliar realms. Let it be noted here that at least I didn't name names. Surely that buys me a bit more lattitude, right? Also, in my defense, a B.A. in English from the venerable University of Iowa ought to give me the skills and qualifications to not only change diapers and wash dishes, but to also occasionally write down some observations for my friends and family to see, shouldn't it? Perhaps even that is debatable...

At any rate, I will keep pressing on blindly (much like Brittany and Jamie Lynn Spears' parents in their quest to write a book on parenting) in my blog entries until I am either asked to quit or so shamed by my own conduct that the blogspot.com pulls my access and denies ever having worked with me. (Incidentally, the latter is essentially what happened to the book deal between the Spears family and their publishing company, which is why you've never heard of that particular would-be best seller.) Must run - I'm off to write my acceptance speech for when I win the big award for my fine bloggability. I believe they call it the Bloggoni?

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